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Mother Trinity CME Church Historic Structure Report

Project Location:

Corner of 8th and Taylor Streets

Augusta, GA 


Augusta Canal Authority


Type of Services:

Archival Research, Fieldwork, Architectural Photography, Report Composition, Public Meetings

Date Completed:






Funded by a Historic Preservation Fund Grant, the Augusta Canal Authority has commissioned a Historic Structure Report to inform and plan for the future of the ca 1890 Mother Trinity CME Church in Augusta, GA. Moved from an adjacent site as part of remediation for contamination by Atlanta Gas Light, Augusta Canal Authority has spearheaded the building's preservation. 

A contributing building in the Laney-Walker North National Register Historic District, the Christian Methodist Episcopal denomination traces its origins to the Mother Trinity Church in Augusta. In 1840, members of the St. John Methodist Church in Augusta asked to establish a separate place for worship. It was at this time that 125 enslaved and free people of color, previously worshiping outdoors, began the congregation that became Mother Trinity. 

Members of the clergy and congregation included several individuals who went on to hold prominent roles within the larger African-American community, to include famed soul music icon James Brown.

A Historic Structure Report (HSR) is a preservation and rehabilitation tool that thoroughly documents the history and material elements of a historic structure and its associated environment, evaluates its existing condition, and provides the general recommendations necessary to responsibly deal with existing issues and concerns about the structure in consideration of its current and potential adaptive use(s).

The project included Historic American Building Survey (HABS) level drawings to fully document the structure for the Library of Congress archives as part of a partnership with Georgia State University's Heritage Preservation program. 

The Historic Structure Report can be viewed online here.

The 3D Model of the current conditions can be viewed online here. 

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